I hope you enjoy this edition of the Prairie Scenes Calendar that I've loved putting together for you.
cover photo taken near Lac la Peche, SK |
January photo taken near Iroquois Lake, SK |
February photo taken near Donovan, SK |
March photo taken near Neuhorst, SK |
April photo taken near Livelong, SK |
May photo taken at Turtle Lake, SK |
June photo taken near Outlook, SK |
July photo taken at Shell Lake, SK |
August photo taken near Broderick, SK |
September photo taken near Hague Ferry, Hague, SK |
October photo taken near Mennon, SK |
November photo taken near Senate, SK |
December photo taken near Dalmeny, SK |
inside calendar sample |
I love driving through the prairies and over the hills
and valleys of our beautiful province of Saskatchewan. My family is ever so
patient with me when I have my camera along and anyone else going for a drive
with me knows there may be stops along the way. :) We've been so blessed with such diversity of
the land. Growing up in the Warman/Saskatoon area, I thought all of Saskatchewan
was flat prairie land because for many years I did not venture out farther than
30 or so kilometers from the area. As a young adult, the first time I drove
farther north and east past Prince Albert or out towards Humboldt, I was amazed
at the difference between the flatland and the lakeland and hills. I've loved
going to different parts of our province ever since, but I still have so many
places to venture out to. I love all the thousands of lakes we have, the
forests and the beauty of the prairies. God has blessed our land with an
abundance of resources and much beauty...I am so thankful for that!
Driving over or by the big old ornate bridges that
connect communities together, or stopping at an old church to drink in the
serenity and peace of its surroundings, are definitely some of the great aspects
of a drive I love. Enjoying a picnic along the shores of one of the beautiful
lakes or daring to trespass 'a wee bit' to walk or drive down a lane where the
trees wrap up around you to hide the sky....I just love it!! :) Taking a ride with a team of horses through
rolling hills past abandoned buildings or relaxing along the shores of the
riverbed to enjoy the quietness, just make our hectic lives come to a halt for a
time. I love allowing my mind to go back and imagine how the people built those
big old barns and I love walking through a historic farmhouse where the wood is
all polished and the walls tell of the rich history of days gone by. Taking the
time to talk to the people and to hear their stories of these places is such a
blessing! And...one day...one day, I'm trusting that I will have the courage to
go up in one of those big balloons and see this great province from a bit of a
higher vantage point. :)
It was an amazing opportunity in 2012 to be one of the
photographers to capture the record breaking harvest in Saskatchewan for Harvest
for Kids. Wow! What an amazing day! Thousands of photos were taken by a great
team of people. The excitement of the event spread throughout our land. I was
told about 10,000 folks came out to witness the record breaking harvest. It was
so incredible to see the community spirit, the excitement for 'lil ole SK' to
accomplish such a feat and to see all those combines rolling in to line up on
the field. What a site to behold! I am so thankful that I got to experience that
great day and to run around the fields in front of the combines taking pictures
to capture the moment for a lifetime. If you'd like to read up on it or see more
photographs, check out their website www.harvestforkids.com/2012 It made me
very proud of the people of Saskatchewan!! Go Team SK!!
I hope and pray that you'll enjoy this edition of the SK
Prairies Calendar for 2014 as much or even more as I had taking the photos for
you and placing them in this calendar. It brings me such joy to receive a phone
call or a letter in the mail or a message on Facebook from one of you, telling
me how much a photo in this calendar has meant to you. Thank you so much for
being such a blessing in my life! I thank God for you and I pray that this year
will bring you peace, joy and strength as you journey through this beautiful
land on the earth God created for us.
God bless you all!
Lisa Braun
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